Any earnings or examples of income are only estimations of what we believe you could earn. There is no guarantee you’ll do as well if you rely upon our information.
You must accept all risk of your potential earnings or lack of.
Where specific figures of income are used, and attributed to a person or business, those persons or businesses have rightfully earned that figure amount.
There is no guarantee you’ll do as well if you rely upon our figures. You must accept all risk of not meeting the same income goals or figures.
Any and all claims or representations of financial earnings on this web site, are not to be considered as standard or average earnings.
There is no guarantee that any prior success, or past success, as to financial earnings, can be used as an indication of your future success or income earnings.
We make no guarantees-express or implied-regarding your experiences and results. Running a business involves numerous risks.
Do your due diligence before you purchase anything from us. Obtain advice from an attorney, accountant, or other qualified professionals before starting.
By purchasing and using our products and services, you are expressly agreeing to assume the risk associated with their use and are agreeing that our company is not responsible for any
losses you experience.
Success with results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership.